Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The chemical pregnancy

I had what they called chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage last month.
From the day one I knew something was wrong. specially when i compared that to my previous pregnancy. First of all I got my BFP on 9DPO last time. This time I got negative on 10 and 11 DPO and then a faint positive on 13 dpo. It meant my hormones were not high. I knew that because I knew when was it that I ovulated. So it should had been higher. And secondly, I had no pregnancy symptoms. which is fine on its own. but when you put these two together, its not a good sign. Then days passed and the line got a bit darker but never dark enough till 5 weeks and 2 days when I started bleeding. The next day, my HCG was 7! 7, is almost nothing. 7 is not pregnant. 7 means all is already gone. It hurt. Physically and emotionally hurt. But the silver-lining was, I believed something was wrong from the beginning. I believed that its not the way it supposed to happen.
One of the hardest things to deal with in the process of loss of that baby, was my closest cousin announced that she is pregnant. and guess what? the exact due date as mine ( or as if I was still pregnant) . I am super happy for her, cause I love her like a sister, but it will remind me every time, that we were supposed to be baby buddies. there was supposed to be a baby at the exact age. I haven't told her . I probably never will. and I hope I can cope with that better in time.

The doctor told me that I can try right away. he said there is no evidence, what so ever, that getting pregnant immediately after CP specially when everything went out naturally, will cause another miscarriage or increase the risk of it. In fact, people are very fertile after that. So it was a hard decision for me, to wait or not to wait. I decided to wait at least one cycle. I wanted to be sure. to be ready. not jump into something that causes me stress. If that calms me a bit , so be it .
Today the MC cycle finally ended and the next one began. I never thought I would be that happy to see the AF coming.
I need lots of luck this month.

Want a refresh on abbreviations ?
BFP : big fat positive ( on pregnancy tests)
DPO : day past ovulation
AF : Aunt flu. mens.
CP : chemical pregnancy
MC: miscarriage
HCG : pregnancy hormone

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