Monday, February 13, 2017

After the appointment

So, I talked to the doctor. He kept saying it was just a bad luck, both times.
He said I can put you on progesterone supplement if you want but it has side effects, and I don't know  if it really helps. He said I am pretty sure your progesterone is good at the beginning, but you can test it CD21 or 7DPO. ( CD21 wont be 7dpo for me for sure. cuz I usually ovulate cd 16 or 17 ) but anyways, I have a week to get myself tested. and apparently it is all up to me. to take the progesterone or not, to just go for it one more time to see what happens, or test and make decisions based on the results.
I am a bit confused, no one seems to have a plan. It's a wait-and-see game apparently. I have read tons of stories and forums. got some idea about how things work, but not completely. its very complicated. the Doc also told me its very complicated so you can just go for the supplement without being tested, cause even testing it doesn't show much. pffff.
So we just wait and test and see, for now.

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