Friday, September 6, 2013

Although probability sucks, but the bottom line is you should be hopeful.

Yesterday, Cy ( the-father-to-be of the peanut-to-be) tried so hard to explain the probability of getting pregnant to me. but it seems like I will never understand it. He said that if you say in best case that there is only 25-30% chance of conceive in each cycle, the chance increases when you try that 10 times (10 cycles) for example. so you have the better chance trying for 10-12 months than 1-2 months. mmm, what? I know if everything is fine, then it will happen eventually, and you have to try till you get your BFP, but the probability increases? really?
He even gave me the example of flipping a coin , it's 50-50 to get head or tail if you flip only once, but if you flip it 500 times, then the probability of getting a tail is not 50 anymore, it's much higher.
mmmm, what again? God I even hated probabilities in school. I never understood them and I never will and still I call myself an engineer, shame on me. Why this has to be so hard?
Anyway, what he meant was it's true that your chance of getting pg is not that high when you start, but by more attempts the chance is getting higher and be hopeful. Although I don't get the logic, but I can accept that from him (after I yelled at him tho) , that I should be hopeful after all.

P.S : 11DPO, I feel nauseated a bit. That's new. I had a decaf coffee with milk and couple of cashews in the morning and salad for lunch. it shouldn't be something I ate right? Actually I hope not!

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