Monday, September 2, 2013

The weekend was great. no day dreaming, no obsession. Today is 7DPO and according to some websites there can be a shift in temp when implantation happens, between 6 and 12 DPO. So I'm observing that so closely. Although I know it can't prove anything and it's not even a real symptom, it happens for some people but not all.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and first thing checked my temp 2 times in a row. 0.3 deg more than yesterday. I was still in bed after 2 minutes I checked again. same as yesterday, no shift. weird right?
So I really don't know, but I'm going to see what happens tomorrow.
Also I found out that you can search through fertility friends' BBT charts and check the ones end up in pregnancy for example. it's never be the same for 2 people, but it can give an overview to see that not everyone has a implantation dip and so on.
There is another website that people sends their symptoms when they had a successful TTC. it's good to hear that there are loooots of people who feel nothing the first 6-7 days post ovulation. cause I have nothing either. I'm just craving more for food, but that's not new and I have a tender breast, which I always had before my AF. While I'm typing this I have a very faint pain in my lower right abdomen, but that can be either my imagination, or my IBS , cause I have that syndrome. So I decided to believe that nothing unusual is going on with me at this moment.

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